Love, Joy, Peace...
Romans: A Path to Transformation
This Life Group offers an in-depth study of the first half of the book of Romans and will be part one of a 2-part series. Students will be challenged to study scripture passages, do word studies, learn the historical context, and be challenged to apply what God spoke to believers in Rome and how God is still using it to speak to the Church of today. The class will be located in the fellowship hall on Wednesday nights.
The Power of a Praying Parent
This Life Group is a novice-level class that will empower and teach parents how to pray effectively for their children. This book offers real-life stories, testimonies, and practical examples of how a parent can guide and raise their children through the obstacles of life, character development, and their relationship with God. The class will be located in the Sanctuary on Wednesday nights.
Name (Required)
Email Address (Required)
Which class are you signing up for? (Required)
Romans: A Path to Transformation
The Power of a Praying Parent
I understand that the church is no longer ordering books for me and that I will order my book on my own (Required)
If you are not familiar with ordering online, the WhyNotKnow is happy to help you. Just bring your credit card and we will walk you through the process.
Yes, I understand and can order on my own
No, I don't understand
Yes, I understand but will need the WNK to walk me through ordering my book
If you are bringing children with you, please sign them up on a separate form (Kids Life Group) so that we can prepare for them (Required)
Yes I understand and will sign my children up on the kids life group form found on Church Connect
I do not have children to sign up this time, but thanks for the info!
Come Feel Our Vision Of
Loving God, Loving People, Loving the Mission
Fostoria Church Of God
124 W Tiffin Street
Fostoria, OH 44830
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