Love, Joy, Peace...

Fostoria Church of God

A church that is "Loving God, Loving People, and Loving the Mission."

Fostoria Church of God is extremely blessed to be a congregation full of giving people.  We are thankful for dedicated regular attendees and members who financially give tithe and offerings on a regular basis.  Because of their faithfulness, we are able to fund our operational and ministry budget every single year.  This would include student ministries of all ages, local and global missional outreach ministries, and needs based ministries such as our food give-a-ways, gas give-a-ways, and various other benevolence related needs.  Our needs based ministries, while reaching a physical need, also connect to a spiritual need.  

In everything we do, we offer the Gospel of Jesus, we offer prayer, and we share the love of Jesus to all.  Souls are being saved, disciples are being made, and the heart of God is flowing to our try-county area.  

Every single year, our ministry grows.  Our local and global missions, and our needs based ministry grows as well.  Each year we provide more resources to families in need than the previous year.  While we are thankful for our growth, we know there is more to do.  We are continually thankful for the provided resources from our dedicated congregation. We are also ready to partner beyond our walls.

Do you have a heart to resource ministry?  Do you have an idea to resource ministry?  We have ministry teams that are ready to reach more students in our area.  We also have serve teams that are ready to do local and global missions.  They are ready to do more needs based ministry in our try-county area as well.  They are simply in need of more resources.  

We welcome any and all ideas to resource ministry.  Please fill out this form and our finance commit will review it in their next meeting.  They meet every 3 months, or less, so please be patient for us to get back with you.  And thank you for taking the time to connect with us.  Together we can Love God, Love People, and Love the Mission like never before.

*Please fill out this form with all details about your proposed fundraiser.  You will be contacted by the finance committee letting you know if it has been approved.

Name (Required)
Email Address (Required)
What is your phone number? (Required)
What is todays date? (Required)
What area of ministry do you desire to resource? (Required)
Tell us about your idea. (500 characters or less) (Required)
Include a name you would like to call your fund raiser.
What date would you like the fundraiser to start?
What date would you like the fundraiser to end?
What time would you like it to start?
What time would you like it to end?
What is the location of the fundraiser? (Required)
Would you need help from the media department? (Required)
If so, what would you need them to do?
What will it cost to launch this fundraiser? (Required)
Please include a break down of everything that will need to be purchased before, during, and after the fund raiser.
What will we be asking as a suggested donation for this fund raiser? (Required)
What is your projected goal total for this fundraiser? (Required)
Is the ministry leader fully aware of this proposed fundraiser? (Required)
I am the ministry leader
I understand that my fundraiser must be turned in one week prior to the next scheduled finance committee meeting. (Required)
I understand
I understand that items/rooms that are approved my fundraiser must be requested 30 or more days before they are needed. (Required)
I understand
I understand that my fundraiser submission form must be approved before I can more forward with the event. (Required)
I understand
I understand that all funds raised are to be turned into the Fostoria Church of God and that ONLY APPROVED METHODS of giving are permitted to be used by the team and all givers. (Required)
Approved methods of giving are cash, check made out to Fostoria Church of God, or electronically via ONLY Givelify and the FCOG Connect page.
I understand
I understand that any graphics or design material (t-shirts, stickers, posters, etc...) must be approved by the finance committee before being printed or sold. (Required)
I understand
Please type your full name below as a consent that you understand everything disclosed in this form.
Come Feel Our Vision Of
Loving God, Loving People, Loving the Mission
Fostoria Church Of God
124 W Tiffin Street
Fostoria, OH 44830
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