Love, Joy, Peace...

At Fostoria Church of God, we have several ways to give.

- Located at the front and back of our sanctuary are 2 giving boxes.  There are giving envelopes provided on the wall for your convenience.  Envelopes are great for cash and check gifts.

- There are giving envelopes located in every row of our sanctuary.  During the service, we give you the opportunity to give by passing giving buckets down your row.  Envelopes are great for cash and check gifts.

- Online giving has become increasingly popular.  We encourage you to scan one of our QR codes in the building and visit our Church Connect Page.  Once there, you will be able to link to our online giving platform.  We provide links below to help you link to Church Connect, and to easily understand how to give.

- Want to save the church from paying the bank fees?  You may not know this, but when you give a gift using your credit or debit card, the church pays a fee of 3% of your gift back to the bank.  So if you give $100, we only receive $97 of the gift.  To help us, you can select a feature when giving an pay the bank fees for us.  A video is located below to show you how. 

- Do you hate the bank fees all together?  We do too!  YOU CAN ELIMINATE THE BANK FEES BY USING THE ACH FEATURE!  A video is below to show you how to use ACH.  There is only a .25 cent cost per gift when using it.  That saves the church a lot of money and it makes your gift go further!

We appreciate you for your faithfulness to God through giving!

How to access our Church Connect Page:

How to access and use online giving:

(take note, there is a way to pay for you to pay the bank card fees instead of the church paying of them.)

How to use the ACH feature which means the church only pays .25 cents per transaction!

Direct access to our online giving:

*FCOG is committed to high financial standards. Financial gifts are used for Kingdom ministry. While the majority of gifts are used as designated, we reserve the right to manage and disburse all funds in response to our current ministry needs.

Come Feel Our Vision Of
Loving God, Loving People, Loving the Mission
Fostoria Church Of God
124 W Tiffin Street
Fostoria, OH 44830
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